Use "rarefy|rarefied|rarefies|rarefying" in a sentence

1. Everyone ought to rarefy his spiritual life.

2. The air rarefies at the top of the mountain.

3. 10 Everyone ought to rarefy his spiritual life.

4. Affrontery rarefied Carder seidai to shop around

5. Upward-moving atmospheric waves could greatly heat a rarefied atmosphere.

6. He moves in very rarefied circles ; his friends are all lords.

7. Compared to Earth, the atmosphere of Mars is quite rarefied.

8. Both animals and people were gasping for breath in the rarefied air.

9. Getting a book published isn't the rarefied literary feat it once was.

10. Nor are the problems confined to the rarefied atmosphere of corporate boardrooms.

11. Here it is tranquil, there is a rarefied atmosphere - still deep blue waters.

12. The false society of men, for earthly greatness . All heavenly comforts rarefied to air.

13. I don't think the rarefied air of the laboratory agrees with you!

14. Even in the rarefied world of foreign correspondents, Simon is a standout.

15. Membership of the rarefied group also extends across the political divide and into US public life.

16. Increasingly, retailers and manufacturers are questioning whether Gore can continue to thrive at such rarefied levels.

17. Wonderful hand - painting, perfect color - matching, rarefied costumes, all of these construct a China - style comic.

18. The methanide anion (CH3−) exists only in rarefied gas phase or under exotic conditions.

19. George Will, a political commentator of rarefied taste, is another who thinks that sport should be taken seriously.

20. Not many of those present had first-hand knowledge of such rarefied accommodation, but they took his meaning.

21. George Will, a political commentator of rarefied taste, is another who thinks that sport should be taken seriously.

22. You might take tea in the rarefied surroundings of Eickhof, a cafe of quite overwhelming temptation for cake-lovers.

23. Arcturus is a fine example of a red giant star — impressively large, accordingly rarefied, brilliantly bright, and surprisingly cool

24. For heaven's sake, you've been breathing the rarefied air of the ivory tower for as long as I can remember.

25. Ultimately, the culture of the oiran grew increasingly rarefied and remote from everyday life, and their clients dwindled.

26. The program helped talented people develop the rarefied skills of a Disney animator, and it became a fixture of the studio.

27. Sometimes the European Council rather airily asks ministers concerned to deal with that issue and then move on to more rarefied subjects.

28. After the 1654 invention of the vacuum pump by Otto von Guericke, physicists began to experiment with passing high voltage electricity through rarefied air.

29. At last the way was free and the caravan continued its dusty climb into the freezing, rarefied atmosphere of the heights above!

30. The insertion of an inner rod into the waveguide can rarefy the spectrum of the competing modes in the vicinity of the operating mode and restrict the mode competing effectively.

31. The results show that with spark assistance, steady and rarefied combustion can be realized in the operating region where the controlled auto-ignition(CAI)can not work stably.

32. “The Conductors is a seamless blending of magic, mystery, and history, creating power and wonder with its rarefied glimpse of Black life in the late 1800s

33. Therefore, combined with mass and heat transfer in liquid film, it is important for optimizing operation condition and enlarging equipment to study rarefied gas flowing in distillatory.

34. The paper widens the application of local method which used to be utilized in rarefied flow to the quick prediction of aerodynamic characteristics of missile-like reentry vehicle in hypersonic flow.

35. The Taidi vanity bag has the fine work and rarefied materials, and we deeply understand the demands of the things for the sales promotion of the every walk of life at home and abroad.

36. So why do we have this disparity between these incredibly sophisticated markets at the top of the economy that are increasingly sucking more and more activity and resource out of the main economy into this rarefied level of trading, and what the rest of us have?

37. Research Researchers in the Viterbi Department of Astronautical Engineering work in the following areas: Advanced spacecraft propulsionAstronauticsAtomic and molecular interactionsHypersonic and supersonic flowsKinetic theory of gases and plasmasMicropropulsion devicesMicrosatellites Monte-Carlo simulations of rarefied gas flows Nanosatellite applications Non-equilibrium in high-temperature

38. Chromosphere (krō`məsfēr') [Gr.,=color sphere], layer of rarefied, transparent gases in the solar atmosphere; it measures 6,000 mi (9,700 km) in thickness and lies between the photospherephotosphere, luminous, apparently opaque layer of gases that forms the visible surface of the sun or any other star

39. ‘Switzerland's Christian Zehnder and Balthasar Streiff are more than simply a duo playing the human voice and the sonorous, avalanche-inducing Alpenhorn off each other.’ ‘In the rarefied atmosphere of Davos, amid the snow-covered Swiss mountains and the distant sound of yodelling and Alpenhorn, it is easy to lose sight of more down-to

40. ‘Switzerland's Christian Zehnder and Balthasar Streiff are more than simply a duo playing the human voice and the sonorous, avalanche-inducing Alpenhorn off each other.’ ‘In the rarefied atmosphere of Davos, amid the snow-covered Swiss mountains and the distant sound of yodelling and Alpenhorn, it is easy to lose sight of more down-to

41. The Aigrette: not quite a tiara yet and more formal than a jewelled head comb, is an underrated piece of jewellery that does not quite get the attention of it deserves.However much some may yearn the days where wearing tiaras was de rigueur for some formal occasion, the reality is that even in rarefied circles a woman will only wear one a few times in her life.

42. It uses rarefied gas in a novel three-phase cycle, of which the first phase is a spontaneous isothermal gas aggregation (0----1), equivalent to an ideal isothermal compression, followed by an adiabatic expansion (1----2), with work produced at the expense of the internal thermal energy of the gas via a gas turbine (5), and by an isobaric expansion (2----0)), where the expanded gas is reheated via a heat excanger (6), while cooling the ambient air (7).